Heartland Bible Institute strives to present a well balanced curriculum of subjects with the specific intention of preparing men and women to serve God in leadership roles including pastor and missionary. The courses listed give every student the essentials needed to minister.


BC100      Personal Evangelism

BC110      Philosophy of Discipleship

BC120      Biblical Counseling


Biblical Studies

BS110       Manuscript Evidence

BS115       Hermeneutics – Principles of Bible Study

BS125       Life of Christ

BS130       Life of Paul


Children, youth, and family

CE105       Training up Godly Children

CE110       Marriage Enrichment

CE115       Family & Youth Ministry



CH100      Church History

CH300      World Religions and Cults



EP101      Homiletics

EP103      Hermeneutics


New Testament Studies

NT105      The Gospel of Matthew

NT115      The Gospel of John

NT120      Acts of the Apostles

NT125      Romans

NT135      I Corinthians

NT140      Church Epistles

NT145      Hebrews

NT155      The Book of Revelation


Old Testament Studies

OT110      Genesis

OT130      Survey of the Book of Isaiah

OT140      Daniel

OT150      Job

OT160      Minor Prophets

OT170      Leviticus


Pastoral Ministry

PM100     Pastoral Epistles

PM105     Pastoral Procedures

PM110     Business Administration and Management Principles

PM120     Leadership & Planning

PM130     Praise and Worship



TH110      Systematic Theology

TH115      Dispensation Theology

TH120      Typology

TH125      Bible Doctrine


Theology of Mission

MM110    Missions I – Theology of Mission

MM120    Missions II – Methodology and Cultural Awareness

MM125    Missions IV – Mission Management