Redefining Expectations

To whom God is speaking to,

Everyday our lives are filled with interactions with all sorts of people and situations. With every one of those interactions, we are internally programmed to have a mindset or expectation of how these interactions “should” go. Our marriages are no different. The problem we find is that too often our expectations are neither realistic or biblical and our marriages and our spouses suffer because of it. This 8 week study will help to renew our minds to have marriages, or prepare us for marriages, that truly fulfill the picture of Christ and His church. If you are in a great marriage or one that is on the rocks; if you are newlyweds or have been married for 50+ years; if you are still single or just want to know what the Bible says about being married in general, this is a perfect study for you. We will very candidly look in detail at areas such as our marital roles, communication, intimacy, finances, raising kids, serving in ministry and much more. I personally invite everyone to join us as we dare to let go of the “good enough” and let our spouse and our Lord have everything we have!

In Christ,

Pastor Jason McGuire