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2020 was a difficult year in many aspects. Nonetheless, God blessed his word and his church this past year as well. Through the shutdown and the reopening souls continued to be added to the Kingdom of God and disciples continued to be made even through digital meeting times. Though many aspects of mnistry have yet to return to pre COVID conditions, other ministries such as Praise and AV have developed and grown throughout the year.

The most important thing we have seen over the past several months is people coming to faith in Christ. We have also seen several join HBF in membership. Sunday January 17th we will celebrate our latest New Members. Those who have submitted to beleiver's baptism or transfer membership from a local New Testament church of like faith are recongnized each month at the end of service at our New Member Presentation.

We look forward to seeing God add to his church daily as such as should be saved and multiply the ministry as faithful saints follow Jesus in obedience as disciples.