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January of this year, our theme of "Looking on the Field" was launched when we examined Four Factors to Correct our Vision. In addition, a series of messages kicked off our initiative to turn our three goals of edifying, exercising and engaging inside out. The result was a fresh look at our obligation as members to Learn God's Word, Live God's Word and Love God's Word. We culminated our month of vision examination with our key verse for the year found in Isaiah 40:15, "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing."

So how are we doing? Individually and collectively are we Learning, Living and Loving? Do we walk by faith and trust God's ability to use us to accomplish his mission? He is well able to accomplish his will through us but do we view our lives in light of God's word and purposes? Will we yield our mind, will and emotion? Do we have clear vision or do we need our vision corrected? These questions are important as we prepare for the new year. 2017 will bring a lot of faith-filled initiatives that will require the entire body of Christ to answer these questions. I'm going to wait until next month to reveal where we are going in 2017, but I'm certain we will struggle to go forward if we have not applied the lessons of looking on the field with an elevated view. Seeing life through God's eyes is mission critical to growing forward. If you are like me, you have slept since last January and April, but this article serves as a reminder to maintain keen vision so God maximizes his glory in our lives and the life of his saints.

It is funny how quickly we can lose vision. It is no accident that this year I suddenly had a problem with reading my bible in the morning. I thought I had some astigmatism at first, but realized that I was not able to see my text as I have had for the previous 46 years of my life. One morning, I went into the optometrist only to find out that what I was experiencing was normal for a man my age. What a bummer! Now I have to utilize reading glasses to see clearly when I read. Clear vision is not impossible for me, but I need aid and I have to be intentional if I want to see clearly. This is true when it comes to having an elevated view of the mission of God and the world in which we live. God has given us his preserved word so we can see clearly instead of through a dim nor dark glass. When we look at life through God's word we have clarity. Without God's word we would find ourselves as blind as those mentioned in Revelation 3:18.

If you are needing a spiritual vision exam, I will remind you of the following points from our messages at the beginning of the year. 

  • Diagnose a Disobedient Vision - See Saul as an example. Saul was rebellious against God's direct will and lost his vision and his opportunities.
  • Diagnose a Disconnected Vision - See Jesse as an example. Jesse was being used of God to bring forth the king of Israel, but he didn't see it because he didn't see the value of his youngest son's heart.
  • Don’t be Discouraged with Developing Vision - See Samuel. Samuel was frustrated with Saul and Israel but God was able to work all things together for good. The rejection of God's perfect will didn't prohibit God from accomplishing his purposes through Judah just as he had already prophesied.
  • Depend upon the Word of God for Dynamic Vision - See David. David understood God's will and coupled faith to the facts of scripture to see God do what seemed impossible just a few years prior to his reign. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think.

We simply need to claim what we know is God's will and leave the impossible to God. After all, the things we see as impossible are simply the dust in the balance to God.

Clear vision is manifest in what appears to be enormous faith by the faithless and unbelieving, but those who know God and are called according to his purposes understand, like Caleb in the Old Testament, that God is well able to overcome what we see as obstacles so he can deliver victory in the face of what would look like defeat through the eyes of faithlessness. (see Numbers 13).

May we have clear vision so we can see God do a work that only he can be given credit for. If it is up to us, we won't go very far; but if we trust God, he is well able to do exceedingly and abundantly of what we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. (Ephesians 3:20)